A Song of Ice & Fire – Queen’s Men (Männer der Königin) – DE/EN/ES/FR

36,90  sis alv

  • 12 Miniatures
  • 1 Unit Cards
  • 1 Movement Tray

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The Queen’s Men of Stannis’ court are called as such not specifically for their dedication to Queen Selyse, but mainly due to their conversion to the faith of R’hllor. Some might say Melisandre is their real Queen.

Tactical Points

  • With impressive Attack and Defense Stats, the R’hllor Queen’s Men are a great unit for prolonged battles. And when they would be destroyed, they still have a chance to carry on fighting with their Order: To the Last!
  • The Order: Queen’s Blade, allows you to draw specific cards from your Tactics Deck that will bolster your army in the long run.
  • Remember! Armies may not include units with different Loyalties. The R’hlllor Queen’s Men have their Loyalty aligned to Stannis Baratheon.

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